Health & Wellness

Student running outside

Growth is about more than grades. Student Health & Wellness is here to help you be the best you, inside the classroom and out. That's why all students who have paid comprehensive tuition fees are eligible for medical and mental health care at UVA. Take charge of your health today and maximize your potential!

Location: The Student Health and Wellness (SHW) building is located on 550 Brandon Ave, right down the road from the old Elson Student Health Center.
Phone: 434-924-5362
After Hours:

HealthyHoos Patient Portal

HealthyHoos is a secure online patient portal, or web platform, that allows UVA students to schedule appointments online, securely message providers, and have convenient, 24-hour access to personal health information. To login to HealthyHoos, students should use their Netbadge ID. NOTE: Student Disability Access Center (SDAC) appointments cannot be scheduled using the HealthyHoos patient portal. Visit the SDAC page for scheduling instructions.

Health Promotion Services

Health promotion and education services are also pre-paid as part of tuition and fees. Services include educational materials, health consulting visits, special events, outreach presentations, and patient education, along with information and referral services. All of these health promotion services are provided by either professional staff or specially trained students called Peer Health Educators.

  • Outreach Presentations - Professional staff and Peer Health Educators (PHEs) provide University and community outreach presentations on a variety of health- and wellness-related issues.
  • Patient EducationProfessional staff along with Peer Health Educators provide education sessions for patients prior to the receipt of gynecological and medical evaluation, and regarding other health issues.

UVA Pharmacy 

The UVA Pharmacy is located on the first floor of the Student Health and Wellness building and serves UVA students and community members. The Pharmacy is a satellite of UVA Health and accepts most health insurance and prescription plans.