CAT (Charlottesville Area Transit)

Stay updated with the CAT real-time route map:

(Click to enlarge)

CAT route map

6 Steps to Catching the CAT:

1. Plan Your Trip

Use the Trip Planner or your favorite maps app to search for your destination. (Apple Maps/Google Maps). Once you locate your destination, tap "directions", then tap the "transit" icon (represented by a metro rail car). When ready, tap "Start" or "Go". You will receive step-by-step instructions on how to get to your stop, which stops you’ll pass on your trip, and the final stop you get off on.

2. Check Estimated Time of Arrivals (ETAs)

Once you’ve started your trip, tap the tab at the bottom of your app to display the details. There you will be shown the stops on your route and their ETAs. To track the buses on your route, use our Bus Tracker. To receive real-time ETA updates for a specific stop on your mobile device, text 434-234-4003 with your stop number.

3. Choose Your Fare

Fares can be purchased at the Downtown Transit Station. To see our fare options, view the Fare Options page. Once you’ve purchased your fare, scan your pass on the farebox. If you have any problems, please ask your driver for assistance - they are farebox wizards!

4. Board the Bus

When the bus arrives at your stop, give exiting passengers a chance to get off. Once clear, all boarding passengers should enter through the front door. The driver will collect fares through the use of an automated farebox. If you plan on purchasing a 24-Hour Pass, verbally let your driver know. The farebox will dispense the requested pass once you have deposited your money.

5. Request a Stop

As the bus nears your stop, let the driver know you want off by pulling one of the bell cords located above each window. When requesting a stop, please pull the cord early enough to allow for a smooth stop. Failure to do so may result in the bus skipping your stop and serving the next stop.

6. Exit the Bus

When possible, passengers should exit the bus through the rear doors. If you must cross the street, please wait for the bus to depart and then cross behind. Unlike school buses, transit buses do not have the authority to stop traffic. Passengers should be mindful of their surroundings before crossing.