Snow & Winter Weather Info

UVA rotunda with snow

When it snows, city crews will be on the roads before, during, and after snowfall. The city recommends residents do not drive during this time, but if you need to, wait until plows have had significant time to get to every road before heading out if possible. If you have questions, please contact public service at 434-970-3830.

  • Do not walk in the middle of the street. Snow can muffle sound, making vehicles hard to hear. There are slick areas on the roads and plows can create unseen hazards, i.e., accidentally opening manhole covers.
  • Charlottesville Area Transit will post information about any delays or service interruptions on their Facebook page and push such information out though the CAT mobile app. View information on how snow impacts CAT.

Snow Removal Information

See the City of Charlottesville's Public Works page on Snow Removal.

Clearing of Sidewalks

Charlottesville City Code requires that property owners remove snow from sidewalks within 24 hours of the end of snowfall. Per City Code Section 28-25, it is the responsibility of owners/occupants of properties in the City which abut or front paved sidewalks to clear the sidewalk of snow, sleet and ice. Cleared sidewalks help ensure the safety of both pedestrians and motorists by giving those on foot a safe route to walk. 

Walking in the roadway is extremely dangerous. Please clear the entire width of the sidewalk rather than a shovel width to allow strollers and wheelchairs a clear pathway. The City of Charlottesville reminds the community to be safe and healthy when shoveling snow and to assist neighbors who may have difficulty removing snow from their property. If you would like to report an unshoveled sidewalk, please call 434-970-3182 or use the MyCville app.

Curbside Trash and Recycling Collection

Residential curbside trash and recycling service in the City of Charlottesville will be suspended for Tuesday, January 4, 2022. Original Monday service is currently scheduled to resume Wednesday, two days behind schedule, with the adjusted service week concluding on Sunday, January 9th.

Questions can be directed to the City's Public Works Department at 434-970-3830 or